Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders: Character and Leadership Devlopment at the Boys and Girls Club of Muncie

At the Boys & Girls Club of Muncie, leadership and character development are paramount. This immersive learning project put this important program in to action through developing a youth targeted curriculum and a train-the-trainer program for its staff. Through volunteering at the Club, research, and interviews with Board members, Club members and staff, the project team determined what leadership and character development needs were not being met with current programs. They are in the process of developing 12 sessions for the youth. The first six sessions deal with knowing one’s self, and the second set of six focus on working well with others.

Faculty Mentor: Peggy Fisher
Department: Communication Studies
Community Partner: Boys & Girls Club of Muncie
Students: Jasmine Cash, Maggie Ernst, Jacob Griffin, Allison Grime, Meranda Herbert, Robert Higgins, Oana Nae, Lea Newman, Siduri Purnell, Samantha Starcher

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