Local Resources

Many individuals, organizations, and agencies are pursuing big dreams for a revitalized Muncie. Check here for the latest resources available in our community.

Local Resources

“Who you Gonna Call?” List (image) | “Who You Gonna Call?” List (pdf)
Need to call the gas company or have an emergency?  The Whitely Neighborhood has created an excellent list of the most common numbers you may need for assistance in your neighborhood.

Neighborhood Association Organization Guide
A guide to forming and maintaining a neighborhood association, with sections addressing issues and challenges faced by neighborhood organizers, and a collection of ideas and resources.

Citizen Planner Manual
This online booklet is part of a series of publications of the Indiana Chapter of the American Planning Association to be used as training materials for citizen planners: plan commission members, board of zoning appeals members, neighborhood organizations, and citizen committees.

Where to Turn Indiana
This online directory of more than 260 organizations and service providers in East Central Indiana is provided by A Better Way Services, Inc. Popular categories include addiction, child care, counseling, disability, education, elderly resources, financial assistance, health & wellness, housing, mental health, food assistance, support groups, women’s health, and youth services.

Neighborhood Safety
Browse information from the Muncie Police Department on the best ways to pursue safety in your neighborhood.

Neighborhood Gardens
Gardens can be a great way to beautify your neighborhood, mitigate small scale flooding and drainage issues, and even produce fresh food for the community.

Adopt-a-Street Tree Program
This partnership between homeowner residents and the city of Muncie aims to restore and replant city trees. Residents can order a free tree from Muncie Urban Forester to plant in right-of-way public parkways.

2-1-1 Indiana
Comprehensive and confidential resource to help Hoosiers find the local resources then need 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.  Calling 2-1-1 connects users with a navigator to help find necessary services in categories from health care to Utility Assistance.

Delaware County Food Assistance flyer | contact/information list
Edible Muncie aims to provide comprehensive information about food assistance to individuals and families who need to access such services.

NextDoor is a private social network open to each neighborhood’s residents.  Check it out to engage in local discussions.

PlanetMuncie Sustainability Clearinghouse
This website (still in development) lists resources related to sustainability in Muncie and Delaware County. Supported by the Building Better Neighborhoods Initiative and Muncie Action Plan.

Successful Reentry Muncie
This website was put together by Ball State faculty and Immersive Learning students to provide people reentering the community with a convenient list of resources for things like health care, housing, and job hunting.

Health and Wellness Resources

City Health Dashboard
37 measures of health, the factors that shape health, and drivers of health equity to guide local solutions for 500 U.S. cities.

Healthy Community Alliance
The Healthy Community Alliance of East Central Indiana is to improve the health and well-being of the communities we serve. On this website you can explore community data, create reports, and check out their other tools and resources.

Healthy Lifestyle Center
Learn how to identify realistic goals and become empowered to achieve them. Join a team of experts who will help you get to the source of your obstacles. Connect with community resources and work one-on-one until your health and well-being goals have been achieved.

Map: Health and Recovery Resources Map
Muncie Map Co. created this excellent map for the Addictions Coalition of Delaware County (ACDC). It contains a list of health and recovery resources in our area along with contact information.

Map: What Story Does Your Neighborhood’s Life Expectancy Tell?
To search for the life expectancy in a certain place, just type in an address. Hover over the result, and the map shows how your neighborhood compares to the county, state, and the country.

Strategic Plans

Resilient Muncie Climate Action Plan
“Since the passing of Muncie’s Climate Resiliency Resolution back in April of 2021, the Planet Muncie Committee has been working hard to gather data, research information, conduct a survey, and put together a plan for our community to do our part in reducing our emissions and becoming better stewards of our environment.”

Muncie Historic Preservation Plan
A comprehensive and citywide Historic Preservation Plan mimicking the initiatives outlined by the Muncie Action Plan to provide a range of preservation planning and policy options.

Muncie Action Plan MAP 1 (2010) | MAP 2 (2013) | MAP 3 (2019) MAP 3 Workbook (2019) 
MAP is a community-developed strategic plan that promotes, supports, encourages, and assists in the development and enhancement of the quality of life in Muncie, Indiana.

Muncie-Delaware County Economic Development Alliance VISION 2027 Plan
Vision 2027 is the Muncie-Delaware County Economic Development Alliance’s current comprehensive five-year economic development program.

In 2023, the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) announced a second round of the READI initiative. READI 2.0 will distribute $500 million to regions across Indiana to fund impactful, game-changing projects.

Muncie-Delaware County Comprehensive Plan
This plan, prepared in 2022 and titled TogetherDM, focuses on regional priorities, values, and a direction for future goal setting.

2009-2030 Delaware-Muncie Transportation Plan Update
This plan guides the continuous development of an integrated intermodal transportation system that facilitates the efficient, effective, and environmentally sound movement of people and goods.

City of Muncie’s Parks & Recreation Master Plan
The goal of this master plan is to provide direction for continued improvement to the park system and recommend sources for alternative funding so that the park system can thrive.