Unmasked: Recovery and Redemption

In 2016, a class of Ball State students examined the use of meth in Delaware County. “Unmasked: The Stigma of Meth” resulted in www.stigmaunmasked.com, a website with original content that included a 30-minute documentary, and a 40-page magazine. The focus of the work was on Muncie couple and recovering addicts Brian and Rhea Graham. In 2018-19, a new cohort looked at the growing recovering community of addicts in Delaware County and throughout Indiana. “Unmasked: Recovery and Redemption,” reported on what has changed for the Grahams, as well. There was a focus on recovery and rehabilitation. We heard from addicts in search of recovery and the obstacles they face, including funding for residential treatment. We talked to experts in the field of addiction and endeavored to create a resource guide for recovering addicts and their families and friends. The report included stories, web videos, audio reports, and photography to update the existing website and a second edition of the Unmasked Magazine. The project culminated in mid-April with a “Story Walk,” an interactive event with sources and artifacts from student research to interact with the public.You can also check out the great work they’ve done so far!

Spring 2019

Faculty Mentor: Juli Metzger
Department: Journalism
Community Partner: Ball Brothers Foundation
Students: Noah Adamek, Olivia Adams, Camille Breck, Bailey Cline, Summer Davis, Lauren Delorenzo, Loren Dent, Mary Freda, Shelby Jones, Michelle Kaufman, Samantha Kupianinen,
Robbie Moscato-Goodpaster, Patrick Murphy, Brenton Roy, Christian Sarber, Paige Washington, Emily Wright


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